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We have a passion for helping people live their healthiest, happiest lives. But for millions of people around the globe, that isn’t an option – because they’re struggling with hunger. That’s why Nucific is a proud sponsor of Action Against Hunger, and their cause of helping those struggling the most.

Action Against Hunger is a global humanitarian organization that is leading the charge in the fight against global hunger, by providing people with clean water, nutritious food, training and healthcare.

45+ Countries

Action Against Hunger has a life-changing presence in almost 50 countries around the globe.

Over 35 Years of Expertise

AAH has been fighting hunger for over 35 years, and is constantly pushing for sustainable, effective solutions.

14.9 Million People Helped

Our 6,500 staff members are committed to helping children grow up strong and communities prosper.

Across the globe, 795 Million People go to bed hungry every night, and half of all childhood deaths are related to undernutrition. This is especially tragic because hunger is predictable, preventable, and treatable.

That’s why we’re so proud to sponsor Action Against Hunger and to give back to the global community. Nucific is honored to help Action Against Hunger meet the following goals:

End Undernutrition By 2030:

Action Against Hunger is committed to research, partnerships, education, health screenings and food distribution to end undernutrition – the leading cause of childhood death around the globe.

Increase worldwide food security: Food and water go hand in hand, so Action Against Hunger strives to help everyone gain access to clean drinking water, cooking water, and water for hygiene.

Clean water access: Action Against Hunger is committed to research, partnerships, education, health screenings and food distribution to end undernutrition – the leading cause of childhood death around the globe.

Emergency response: Whether it’s a natural disaster or a political conflict, Action Against Hunger is committed to helping communities access food and water in the face of emergencies. Responding to the needs of populations affected by natural disasters or armed conflicts and respecting their dignity is central to their mandate as an international humanitarian organization.