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Bee Pollen Benefits – For a Healthy Mind and Body

Recently, bee pollen has made a name for itself in the world of health and wellness. Bee pollen products are sold in a variety of stores – from natural health food stores to chain supermarkets.

Buying a pure form of bee pollen will provide optimal nutritional results. Let’s take a look at the benefits of bee pollen for a healthy mind and body.

What Is The Difference Between Bee Pollen And Honey?

To learn more about honey bee pollen, let’s first take a look at the difference between honey and bee pollen. While they both come from honey bees, they are quite different:

Bee pollen is the substance found on the bee’s body, usually the legs, after it has collected nectar from the flower.

Pollen sticks to the bee and mixes with a bit of honey to create pellets. These are then carried back to the hive on its hind legs.

Honey appears when the bees take nectar from the flowers. Then the water evaporates and honey forms.

Pollen and Honey within the Hive

Bee pollen feeds the young bees and larvae within the hive. The pollen is full of nutrients for the bees, so the bees collect pollen to feed their young.1

bee pollen benefits | NucificHoney is stored and used by the bees when they can’t find food over the winter months. It is full of sugars and nutrients, which can help increase the bee energy levels. If the pollen isn’t consumed right away, the bees will allow it to ferment and it then becomes bee “bread” for later.

Nutrients in Bee Pollen

Bee pollen is full of nutrients that are shown to support health and wellness. Bee pollen pellets are easy to consume as a supplement, or you can add a bit to your food. Bee pollen is packed with essential nutrients like amino acids, antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, and enzymes.

Bee pollen isn’t just a “superfood” – it’s actually a complete food source. You’ll find B vitamins, C, D, E, F, and K vitamins, folic acid, iron, and selenium, in a long list of around 100 nutrients.2

Consuming Bee Pollen

Due to its increased popularity in the health and wellness world, bee pollen is not difficult to find. You can order it online or find it in a variety of grocery stores. Most of the time, you’ll find these nutrients are packaged in bee pollen granules, pellets or capsules.

Be sure to check the label for nutrition information – that way, you can get all the goodness in each serving. You can even add the granules to smoothies, yogurt, oatmeal, or any food that might need a touch of sweetness.

Health Benefits of Pollen Pellets

Once you purchase bee pollen, you’ll want to start enjoying the health benefits it brings. You’ll find that many people take bee pollen for a variety of ailments. These health problems range from allergy symptoms to unhealthy cholesterol levels.

Some health-conscious buyers use it to help with liver problems and even skin issues. Many people claim that their seasonal allergies and outdoor allergies appear to be alleviated by locally-sourced pollen. Be sure to add fresh bee pollen to your list of natural remedies that work to promote health and well-being.

The Hype of Bee Pollen

Most people hope to get health benefits from this food. Bee pollen seems to deliver on these needs. Allergies are one of the main conditions that bee pollen is believed to alleviate. This superfood contains antioxidant properties. You’ll also find plenty of B vitamins that provide an energy boost.

Types of Bee Pollen

Like honey, bee pollen benefits can vary depending on the pollinated flowers. Certain plants contain higher amounts of vitamins and minerals. Some plants even have their own health benefits such as the manuka plant, found in New Zealand.

The manuka honey harvested from this plant is in a class of its own.3

bee pollen benefits | Nucific

Adding Pollen Grains to your Diet

The fact that bee pollen is so easy to consume and tastes great, makes it a good choice for supporting your health. Drawbacks include an allergic reaction to bee pollens and even nutritional honey varieties. Pollen and honey should never be given to children or consumed without a doctor’s approval.

Packed with essential fatty acids and free amino acids… some say it will aid with weight loss, balance red blood cells, and strengthen mast cells. Bee pollen might also support liver and blood vessel health.


Learn More:
Eating a Whole Foods Diet
Nucific Diet: The Easy Diet Guide to Your Nutritional Needs
10 Best Healthy Foods to Always Have In Your Kitchen
