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Top Blog Posts of 2019 for Nucific

2020 is well underway and if you’re still looking to set some last-minute resolutions, look no further. Sometimes the best way to move forward is to revisit the past. And don’t worry, Nucific has you covered.

Nucific has compiled a list of the 5 top blog posts from 2019. You’ll get to read some of your favorite articles from last year — and they’re all in the same place. It’s like wanting to read your favorite books and lining them all up on one shelf for easy reference.

Check out the five blog posts here and get your new year off to a great start.woman drinking a glass of water while in bed

1. HOW TO STOP NIGHT SWEATS NATURALLY — Sleep is the best. A warm, cozy bed with clean sheets. There’s nothing like it. But, waking up in the dead of night and realizing you’re covered in sweat can ruin a good night’s sleep like nothing else. And if you’re waking up with night sweats, you might be wondering if something is going on with your health.

If night sweats are becoming an issue for you or your partner, check this article out. Not only will it tell you what to do in the case of night sweats, but it will also let you know some potential reason for night sweats to begin with.

2. HOW TO START 2019 SUGAR-FREE (NEW YEAR, NEW YOU!) — Lots of things change from year to year, but unfortunately, the negative aspects of consuming too much sugar remain unhealthy and, in some cases, dangerous. In 2019, you might have taken stock of your overall health and decided to make some changes. Perhaps you crossed sugar off your list.

And if you didn’t, it might be time to consider doing so. A sugar detoxification period can go a long way in resetting your system. So, if you think you might consider cutting sugar out for a while, read this blog for tips on how to stop consuming sugar.

3. NATURAL DIGESTIVE ENZYMES – SOURCES AND BENEFITS — You’d think you’d know everything there is about your own body because, well, it’s yours. But the body is full of natural mysteries and bits of biological magic. For instance, how food gets processed by your body can be pretty astounding. If you’re interested in learning more about the ways in which you process the food you eat, read this blog post. It will fill you in on how natural digestive enzymes go to work in your mouth and stomach to break down the food you consume.

These enzymes do all they can to help you get the vitamins and nutrients your body needs. You may already eat foods that contain and support enzymes, but if you don’t you may experience issues with digesting your meals. Bloating is just one example of what happens if those enzymes aren’t doing their jobs properly. Read this article to discover whether you’re getting the right enzymes for healthy digestion.

4. BEE POLLEN BENEFITS – FOR A HEALTHY MIND AND BODY — Nucific is here to help you uncover this particular buzz word – bee pollen. Bee pollen products are popping up in a whole bunch of health and wellness stores – and they’re also making their way into the bigger chain supermarkets. To find out how bee pollen might be good for you and to maximize your nutritional results, read this article. You’ll learn all about bee pollen benefits and how it might help you support the health of your body and mind.

5. CRUSTLESS PUMPKIN PIE: LOW CARB RECIPE FOR WEIGHT LOSS — Two words: pumpkin pie. Actually, three words: crustless pumpkin pie. You don’t need to wait all year to get this tasty dessert on the table. In fact, the variation here is good enough to eat all year round. And it’s easy to make. This delicious, crustless pumpkin pie recipe will scratch that holiday itch. Revisit this 2019 favorite to learn how to make your own guilt-free pie.

You may think pie without the crust is blasphemous, but you can still make the dessert you love and kick the nutritional goods up a notch. So, if you’re watching your refined carbohydrate intake and worried about desserts with too much saturated fat or too many calories, then this is the article for you. And you can share it with your gluten-free friends!

Nucific Blog Posts from 2019 Can Help You in 2020

Remember, Nucific has your best interests at heart. That’s why in 2020 you can keep counting on the Nucific blog to bring you the latest and greatest in health discoveries, tricks, and tips.

If you are committed to improving your health — and the general wellness of those you love — make the Nucific blog one of your favorite sites in your bookmarks bar. You can count on Nucific to give you great health advice and teach you about new and innovative ways to make your health a priority in 2020.

Happy New Year from the Nucific team and may you have a wonderful, healthy future.